One of the major myths about industrial hemp fiber is that it is the same as marijuana. Although the plants are cousins, there are vast differences between them.
The legal definition of hemp is having a THC level of 0.3% or lower. Hemp production is permitted and PA producers are required to have their hemp samples collected by an independent sampling agent and tested by an independent approved laboratory. It must be harvested within 30 days of the sample collection, or a new sample must be tested. Unlike CBD varieties, industrial hemp fiber varietals are typically very low risk for testing “hot” (containing over the legal threshold of 0.3%). The fiber hemp samples from DON’s 2020 Test Acres Program had no detectable THC.
Lori Daytner on sample collection day
In addition, industrial hemp fiber is grown for its fiber and seeds. The fiber and seeds are then used to create a wide array of environmentally friendly products such as insulation for housing and textiles used in clothing.
PA Hemp Home is proud to be an example of the phenomenon of industrial hemp fiber and to help break the stigmas surrounding it.