NEW CASTLE, Pa. (May 19, 2021)— Hemp fiber is an intriguing plant because it can grow in a plethora of places if the conditions are right. Excitingly, the time has come for planting in Pennsylvania. Over the past week, DON Enterprise has started to work with local farmers to plant their seeds that will become industrial hemp fiber.
When growing industrial hemp fiber, farmers must:
-Place the seed at a depth of ½ an inch
-Plant 60 pounds of seed per acre
-Keep rows of seed seven inches apart
-Leave at least three feet in between varieties of hemp
Farmers have to calculate the best time to put the seeds in the ground. For the hemp seeds to grow successfully, the ground needs to have moisture. The challenge comes with timing the moisture in the ground and the rain. Since hemp seeds are planted half an inch in the ground, rain can easily wash them away. The farmers needed to plan the perfect time so the ground was moist, yet it would not rain.
DON Enterprise and the farmers are now patiently waiting for the plants to emerge. Luckily, after the industrial hemp fiber is successfully planted, it should emerge within 3-4 days.